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The 2014 ball, Brazuca, was too colorful for me, and honestly, the ball for the upcoming World Cup is the first Ive liked since France 98. The 74 and 70 balls (second row from the top, last two on the right) are iconic, but they arent a whole lot different from the 78, 82, 86, 90 and 94 balls. The drastic change began with that blue ball in France 98. Heres how they rank from 98 and the following 20 years.
The World Cup 98 ball was m/oF1xacEy6g
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Adidas, with the help of superstar Lionel Messi, unveiled the ball that will be used at the 2018 World Cup in Russia on Thursday. Without further ado, here is the Telstar 18:
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There you have it. If you dont agree, please see an optometrist.
Weve reached the point where we arent ranking them on based on greatness aesthetically — more like ranking them from less ugly to horrifically grotesque. This one was acceptable, but it was too busy and makes me dizzy looking at it.
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The new World Cup ball for Russia 2018 is out: Where does it rank among the rest?
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Teamgeist was so plain and boring. If taking a 24-hour cross-country road trip through the middle of nowhere could be described in a sporting product, its this ball. Its almost as if those designing it said, the hell with it … lets just go with this … the bar is closing soon.
An interesting looking ball, it has the same feel as some of thoseAdidas jerseyswith the diamond-like shape and faded coloring. Im all for a ball being mostly black and white, so this one gets a good grade in my book. But where does it rank among the best?
The new World Cup ball for Russia 2018 is out: Where does it rank among the rest?
This ball looks like it was designed by a second-grader who asked to draw the ugliest thing theyve ever seen. Those colors in the middle make no sense, and neither does the weird design.
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Too much white overall with those weird triangular that look like a futuristic stadium. Just plain ugly, and it had its fair share of complaints. AsThe New York Timespoints out, the ball was considered too light and curvy, making balls carry further on crosses. Frances Hugo Lloris, according toThe Times,called it a disaster, while Uruguays Fernando Muslera said its the worst ball hes ever played with.
The ball is a mix of old and new and a return to a more traditional look
This one was similar to the balls used in previous World Cups but with an iconic blue trimming to pay homage to France. It was similar, yet a tad different all at once and made it special. The Tricolore was a beauty.
You can throw those vintage balls that are either stitched, brown or a completely different color out of the picture. Most of us werent even alive to see those used, but they are special.
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Roger Gonzalez is an award-winning writer based in Virginia that has covered pro soccer from Europes top clubs to Argentinas first division. Roger started out his pro soccer writing career with …Full Bio
Considering how the most recent ones have looked, it is miles ahead and one of the best looking World Cup balls in quite a long time.
Adidas Jabulani Soccer Ball De Haute Qualite Pare-Chocs Automobiles Autocollant 12 x 12 cm
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TBTAdidas launch the +Teamgeist ball ahead of the 2006 World Cup in Germany – ND37, 2006pic.twitter.com/Ap0dZjBxs6
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