This game is an amazingly perfect combo of exercise, both physically and mentally.If your child has a spelling test you can even use this game to study. You pick a word. It usually is out,stop, or finish. But you can pick any word for this.
[Note: Need a football? Heres thefootballwe use on Amazon.]
These two games are the simplest to explain since theyre played just like normal football. The only exception is instead of tackling to get someone down, you just tag them or pull a flag out of their waist band.
All you need are four or more people and a football. To play, one team has the ball and they throw it as far as they can down the field, away from the Touch Down zone. The other team then retrieves it. The object is to get the ball up the field by passing. Your goal is to get it into the other teams TD zone.
Then you start passing the ball back and forth. If more than two people are playing, you can pass the ball in a circle. Every time someone drops a ball they get a letter. Eventually the letters should spell out the word you chose. when that happens the person is out.
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However, variations of this popular sport can providefun for the entire family. Here are some of my favorites
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Talk about a challenge for your brain and body this is it. In this game you have to throw and catch a ball at the same time.
One of my favorite things about fall is football season. But with these games it doesnt matter what season it is. You and your family can play football any time. Thank you for reading and I hope this article will aid you on your journey to becoming a fit family together.
You could even practice times tables with this: Like if you use the number 3 every time some drops the ball they go up 3: 3,6,9,12, etc. until the reach a certain number.
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Flag Football And Beyond: 9 Fun Football Games For Kids
Flag Football And Beyond: 9 Fun Football Games For Kids
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I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I trampled over the freshly cut grass. Power surged through my body as I leaped into the air. My muscles stretched as I reached forward to make the catch. All while at the same time wondering, Will I?
This game is about as simple as it gets. To play, two people pass the ball back and forth until some one drops it. Whoever drops it loses. I love to play this with my dad. It can get wicked intense as each person catches the ball and you try to get them out.
Make family fitness happen with ourFREE 7-day family fitness e-course.Find out how to build family fitness into your family life step-by-step. Tips, strategy and lots of inspiration!
Each person has a ball. When the game starts, you throw the ball while at the same time you have to be ready to get the ball being passed to you. And it doesnt count if you throw a bad pass as youre trying to catch a ball. In fact, sometimes that means you lose a point.
Keep away can be played as a team or individually. If you play it individually one person is It and they have to try to get the ball from the others by either tagging or intercepting the ball.
In this game you pretend you only have one hand and have to catch all your balls with only that hand. My dad and I play this to see who gets the most out of ten. If we tie, we go to eleven and so on. You can press the ball to your chest, legs, stomach anything but your other arm. This is a great game. But young children may not be able to play it due to the difficulty.
Welcome to Fit Family Together. To get family fitness tips, strategies and inspiration sent right to your inbox, justsign up right here. (Youll get a great 7-day ecourse as well!)
I have fond memories of playing this with my friends all school year and then having our Super Bowl on the last day. Good times.
Of course traditional football can be a brutal sport and not the best activity for families.
The person passing can only take three steps then has to pass it. Everyone else can move as much as they want. If the ball is dropped, knocked down, blocked, or intercepted then the other team gets the ball.
These games work best with a larger group of people (8+). You can play either two-hand or one-hand touch. Two-hand touch can be more exciting. But it can also cause more arguments. Before playing you should establish whether touching clothing counts.
This game epitomizes exercise. First, you choose a number lets say 30. That means you or who ever you are throwing to has to catch 30 balls in a row. If you drop one then you have to do some special exercise like ten push ups , or a lap around the house. The cruelest punishment is to increase the number you have to catch by ten. Every time they drop one, the punishment should increase or change. Great fun!
We play this with frisbees as well. And sometimes to really make things complicated weve used one football and one frisbee so you have to alternate your throwing and catching techniques.
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This game can be played as tackle, touch, or flag. The defender throws the ball to their opponent. If the person catches it they have to try and get past defense to the touch down zone. If they get caught or drop it they become defense and the cycle repeats
Fit Family Together – 139 South Main St. 172 Rochester, NH 03867
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This is one of my favorite games in this article. I first played it during gym. I liked it so much I brought it home to the family.
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Football dominated my life for quite some time. For about 7 years I dreamed of joining the NFL before Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and free running took over.
Team Keep Away is the same except that a whole team tries to get it from another team. Have someone time how long each team can keep the ball. The team with longest time wins.
© 2012 Sarah Clachar & Fit Family Together
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