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Could it come against Goerges on Tuesday? I think it could. Cibulkova needed matches and wins ahead of Roland Garros, and although she lost the Strasbourg final, it was still a confidence-boost to make it that far, and given shes received a Tuesday start at Roland Garros, she should be fresh. Goerges form has teetered off in recent times and shes never really excelled at the French Open over the course of her career. Cibulkova hasnt done well in pressure moments this year, losing two finals, but if she can execute her power brand of tennis and keep her nerve during the crucial points against Goerges, Im backing her emerge triumphant on Tuesday.
Watch and bet on Goerges vs Cibulkova live from Roland Garros atbet365 live streaming tennis(geo restrictions apply; funded account required or to have placed a bet in the last 24 hours to qualify). Their first round clash begins around 3.00pm local time on Tuesday (2.00pm BST).
Julia Goerges vs Dominika Cibulkova French Open tennis preview, predictions and tips: Goerges faces 2009 semi-finalist Cibulkova in big French Open first round clash
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Apart from a runner-up finish in Budapest in February, Cibulkova hadnt really made much of an impact anywhere on tour this season – just like in 2017 when she failed to reach a final and made just three semis for the year – but she played her part in a great match against Sharapova in the second round of Rome, losing in three sets, while she advanced to her second final of 2018 last week in Strasbourg, losing a marathon final to Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova in three tiebreaks.
An eye-catching opening round contest awaits on Tuesday at Roland Garros as 11th seed Julia Goerges takes on former semi-finalist Dominika Cibulkova.
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Julia Goerges and Dominika Cibulkova, two of the purest ball-strikers on tour, face off in an intriguing French Open first round encounter on Tuesday. Goerges and Cibulkova have surprisingly only played once before – and that came all the way back in 2011 – so it will be interesting to see how this match-up plays out over the course of the match. These two talented but inconsistent players have swapped roles as of late, with Cibulkova reaching her peak in 2016 but falling off over the last two years, while Goerges finally cracked the top 10 earlier this season after years of failing to fulfil her potential. Goerges and Cibulkova take to court around 3.00pm local time on Tuesday (2.00pm BST).
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Julia Goerges vs Dominika Cibulkova French Open tennis preview, predictions and tips: Goerges faces 2009 semi-finalist Cibulkova in big French Open first round clash
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Julia Goerges (Photo by Alex Grimm/Getty Images)
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Watch and bet on French Open tennis live from Roland Garros atbet365 live streaming tennis(geo restrictions apply; funded account required or to have placed a bet in the last 24 hours to qualify)
Julia Goerges vs Dominika Cibulkova is live from Roland Garros around 3.00pm local time on Tuesday (2.00pm BST)
After putting together a stellar 2017 and a solid start to 2018, Goerges has fallen off a bit in recent times, compiling an underwhelming 2-3 record on European clay ahead of the French Open. Goerges started 2018 with a bang by taking home the ASB Classic title in Auckland, conquering Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki in the final, while she went on to break into the top 10 for the first time in her career in February, reaching the semi-finals of St. Petersburg and the quarter-finals of Doha.
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Live Stream: French Open tennis live from Roland Garros
However, Goerges hasnt been able to continue her winning momentum since then, losing early at Indian Wells and Miami to Anastasija Sevastova and Carina Witthoeft respectively, and although she got back on track with a runner-up finish on the green clay of Charleston Charleston to Kiki Bertens, the German hasnt been able to get going on the red clay in Europe, losing in the opening round of Stuttgart to Marketa Vondrousova, the Round of 16 in Madrid to Caroline Garcia and the first round of Nuremberg last week to Kristyna Pliskova.
Cibulkova won their only other previous clash all the way back in 2011 at Wimbledon
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I was very interested to see how high Goerges could climb up the rankings after snapping her six-year title drought last season, putting together a nine-match winning streak as she secured silverware in Moscow and Zhuhai at the end of 2017 – and extended that winning streak to 14 matches by winning Auckland and making the Australian Open second round in January – but it seems the wheels are starting to fall off in recent times. Goerges best result at Roland Garros came in 2015 when she beat No. 5 Wozniacki on her way to the Round of 16, but shes lost in the second and first rounds over the last two years – and shes been dealt a very tough opening round draw on Tuesday.
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You get the feeling Cibulkova just needs that one big result or win to get back into the sort of form that saw her light up the tour in 2016, where she registered a sensational 52-21 record with titles in Katowice, Eastbourne, Linz and the elite season-ending WTA Finals Singapore – the biggest title of her career that saw her rise into the top five. Cibulkova also finished runner-up in Acapulco, Madrid and Wuhan in 2016 and made the quarter-finals of Wimbledon, but she admitted she fell out of love with tennis last season as she struggled with the constant travel and training. The Slovakian declared at the start of 2018 that she was determined to reproduce those 2016 results this season, and although she hasnt so far, a big win might not be too far away.
An eye-catching opening round contest awaits on Tuesday at Roland Garros as 11th seed Julia Goerges takes on former semi-finalist Dominika Cibulkova.
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Dominika Cibulkova (Photo by Dean Mouhtaropoulos/Getty Images)Dominika Cibulkova still isnt operating at the sort of level that saw her break into the top five during her stellar 2016 season – or in 2014 when she made the Australian Open final or even all the way back in 2009 when she posted her best ever result at the French Open by conquering Maria Sharapova to reach the semi-finals – but she still remains a very dangerous player on her day, and shes been playing some solid tennis over the last couple of weeks.
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