International Football Association Board

Fdration Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the internationalorganising bodyfor the sport, was formed inParisin 1904 and declared that, regarding the Laws of the Game itself, they would enforce the rules laid down by IFAB.

Laws of the Game(rules ofassociation football)

It is a separate body from FIFA, though FIFA is represented on the board and holds 50% of the voting power. As a legacy of association footballs origins in theBritish Isles, the other organisations represented are the governing bodies of the game in the fourcountries of the United Kingdom. Amendments to the Laws require a three-quartersupermajorityvote, meaning that FIFAs support is necessary but not sufficient for a motion to pass.

The Board meets twice a year, once to decide on possible changes to the rules governing the game of Football and once to deliberate on its internal affairs. The first meeting is called the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and the second is the Annual Business Meeting (ABM). InFIFA World Cupyears, the AGM is held at FIFAs offices; otherwise, it rotates between Northern Ireland, Wales, England and Scotland in that order.[4]Four weeks before the AGM, the member associations must send their written proposals to the secretary of the host association. FIFA then prints a list of suggestions that are distributed to all other associations for examination. The AGM is held either in February or March and the ABM is held between September and October.[5]In cases of necessity, the Board can meet in a Special Meeting in addition to the two ordinary annual meetings. As of December 2012, the last Special Meeting was hosted by FIFA in Zurich on 5 July 2012.[6]

Statutes of the International Association Football Board (IFAB)

Since Irish partition in 1921, the IFA has evolved to become the organising body for football in Northern Ireland. Football in theRepublic of Irelandis now organised by theFAI, which is not represented on the IFAB.

Form & FunctionFIFA – FIFA paper on the role of the IFAB

Sin-bins will by considered by Fifa rulemakers Ifab after support from Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini.

The decisions of each years Annual General Meeting of the Board regarding changes to the Laws of the Game enter into force as from 1 July (and are binding on FIFA and on the other members of the Board, and, given that FIFAs Statutes establish that FIFA and its member associations and affiliates adhere to the Laws of the Game laid down by IFAB, those changes bind also FIFAs other member associations, FIFAs continental confederations of member associations, and the subnational entities of the national associations) but confederations, member associations and other bodies whose current season has not ended by 1 July may delay the introduction of the adopted alterations to the Laws of the Game in their competitions until the beginning of their next season.[7]As well as permanent changes to the Laws, IFAB also authorises trials of potential amendments.[8]

Sports organisations established in 1886

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. Scarecrow Press. pp.150.ISBN978-0-8108-7188-5.

IFAB is made up of representatives from each of theUnited Kingdoms pioneering football associationsEnglandsFootball Association(The FA), theScottish Football Association(SFA), theFootball Association of Wales(FAW) and Northern IrelandsIrish Football Association(IFA)andFdration Internationale de Football Association(FIFA), the international governing body for football. Each UK association has one vote and FIFA has four. IFAB deliberations must be approved by three-quarters of the vote, which translates to at least six votes.[4]Thus, FIFAs approval is necessary for any IFAB decision, but FIFA alone cannot change the Laws of the Gamethey need to be agreed by at least two of the UK members. As of 2016, all members must be present for a binding vote to proceed.[4]

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The growing popularity of the game internationally led to the admittance of FIFA representatives to IFAB in 1913. Initially, they only had two votes (the same number as each of the UK associations) and decisions required a four-fifths majority to pass, meaning that the UK associations could still change the laws against FIFAs wishes if they all voted together. In 1958, the Board agreed on its current voting system.

Association football governing bodies

International Football Association Board

FIFA/IFAB paper on the role of the IFABFIFA

Though the rules of football had largely been standardised by the early 1880s, the UKs four football associations still each had slightly different rules. This posed a problem with international matches and when matches were played, the rules of whoever was the home team were used. While this solution was workable, it was hardly ideal. To remedy this, the then football associations of England, Wales, Scotland andIrelandmet on 6 December 1882 inManchester, in order to set forth a common set of rules that could be applied to matches between the UK football associations national teams. The conference created the first international competition, theBritish Home Championship, and proposed the establishment of a permanent board to regulate the laws of the game.

This page was last edited on 14 June 2018, at 20:36

Law 8:The Start and Restart of Play

Amendments to the Laws of the Game – 2010/11FIFA. 19 May 2010

International Football Association Board) is the body that determines theLaws of the Gameofassociation football. IFAB was founded in 1886 to agree standardised Laws for international competition, and has since acted as the guardian of the internationally used Laws; since its establishment in 1904FIFA, the sports top governing body, has recognised IFABs jurisdiction over the Laws.IFAB is known to take a highly conservative attitude regarding changes to the Laws of the Game.

History of IFAB, including minutes of the meetingsSoccer South Bay Referee Association – History of The FAFootball Association

Law 13: Free kicks (directandindirect)

Therefore, the first meeting of IFAB took place at the FAs offices atHolborn ViaductinLondonon Wednesday 2 June 1886.[9][10]The FA, SFA, FAW and IFA each had equal voting rights.

Gibson, Owen (5 March 2016).Footballs lawmakers approve live trials for video technology to aid referees.

2007-10-07 at theWayback Machine. Soccer South Bay Referee Association

FIFA World Ranking system (19992006)

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